298 Predator Boat

Our Charter Boat is a 1987 Penn Yan Predator, her name is “Locked Up”. Penn Yan has always been known as a manufacturer of well built Boats meant to catch fish. Her overall length is close to 30 feet and has a large 10 ft beam for spacious comfortable fishing and is equipped to get you out of elements. Locked Up is powered by reliable twin inboard engines with plenty of horsepower to get us to the fish and back to the dock Fast when needed. The boat weighs over 8,000 lbs and will cut through some of the toughest conditions Lake Ontario can throw at us. It also has a fully enclosed marine head for your peace of mind while on the water.

You won’t find a safer, better equipped or more comfortable charter boat for serious fishing. This is the ultimate big water fishing weapon that really handles the roughest seas and is the most important tool that we use in catching fish. The boat is also equipped with all the necessary coast guard approved equipment for our safety while on the water.
As far as fishing goes we have nothing but the best in tackle and gear. We make sure all rods and reels are in top of line shape so that you have nothing to worry about but the fish on the other end of the line!
Fishing Equipment and Electronics
- Daiwa Rod and Reels
- Big Jon rod holders and otter boards
- McCoy Mean Green, Berkley Big Game, Seaguar Fluorocarbon Fishing Lines
- Spoons and Attractors from Dreamweaver, Pro-Troll and A-TOM-MIK
- Spoons and Attractors from Northern King, R+R, Dreamweaver, Pro-Troll and A-TOM-MIK
- A-TOM-MIK Trolling Flies- The Best in the business!
- Moor Sub Troll for down speed and temperature
- 3 Brand New Traxtech/Vector Electronic Downriggers
- Traxtech Track system with Traxtech rod holders
- uruno 585 Color Fishfinder
- Raymarine ST70 SmartPilot X-10 autopilot
- Raymarine Chartplotter for GPS Navigation
- Access to live radar for severe weather updates
- Dependable Marine Radio

When you come to fish with JD’s Custom Charters all you have to do is get on board!